Tuesday, March 21, 2006

someone suggested larger photos. ok.

3-21-06 004

more of the viet style noodle stuff, this time with the meatloaf. you can see the chewy pork skin bits embedded in the meat. i suppose this would be called banh-somethingortheother. i can't get enough of this stuff. plus it literally takes a minute to throw together.

3-21-06 005

also included in the meal... boiled watercress and some henry's canned split pea ham soup.

3-21-06 006

what to make for "breakfast"? it's 9am and i made super lame curry with celery and eggplant. instant curry bricks from House. hot isn't hot enough, added cayenne. also, too salty. but convenient.


Anonymous said...

Larger thumbnails please.

Anonymous said...

Chinese call that vietnamese meat loaf θΆŠε—θ‚‰, "vietnamese meat". what do Vietnamese call it?