Sunday, October 22, 2006

it's business time

i've been super busy lately, so i've been eating really nasty crud. or eating out. i'm also ashamed to admit, i have eaten at mcdonalds twice in the past week out of fatigue and convenience.


right after i went to the market. it's vegetable bean beef soup. cooked it really slowly so the brisket didn't get tough. brisket is cheap! yay! ginger in it was not a good idea. it tasted funny, but it provided all the veggies and nutrition i needed. for a week.


i'd left my rice cooker at The Estate and didn't retrieve it until recently. that's why when i had a hankering for fried rice, i had to find a substitute... i needed some sort of grain since i'd run out of bread and pasta, so i cooked up some sausages and chinese leeks... except i didn't have leeks so substituted green onions and put that on top of oatmeal...


a couple stalks of limp celery, and an onion. sauce makes everything taste delicious.


i had cabbage, carrots, and onions. what a luxury. now i only have cabbage to enjoy.


this was from the rare week that i had both fruit and cereal (cheerios) at the same time. just white nectarines and cereal...


i'd run out of both rice and pasta, but i had some canned green beans left for dinner with a granola bar and a pear. oh joy.


i was really really hungry so my roomate offered this masterpiece. it's a hot dog wrapped in pilsbury cruissant dough.. it was delicious. note how gourmet it is. it's a "blackened pig in a blanket"


it's business time, so i packed myself a quick lunch to eat during a study break. pasta, and tossed some frozen chicken into the water to they'd cook at the same time, and some canned green beans. just garlic and olive oil for flavor. exciting huh? i'd run out of cabbage at that point. i'm sure the cabbage would have given it +394 mana.


i filched a slice of chicken pizza from an unsuspecting box that was sitting on the countertop when i hobbled back home during the witching hour. pizza is proven to ward away evil spirits, werewolves, and vampires when drowned in BBQ sauce.

Picture 013

first year, the dorms didn't have any stoves or ovens. there was a broken microwave and a toaster oven that shorted out halfway through the year. this is what i had stashed under my bed in case of emergencies.


Anonymous said...

business hours are never over in the food department, baby

KirkK said...

CSB - I love the cereal on the assignment paper!

Orang3 said...

Everyone is guilty of a little fast food from time to time=) I think you redeemed yourself if all those veggies.

That oatmeal fried rice concoction is most interesting.

Anonymous said...


Some of that stuff looks ridiculously good.

charsiubao said...

old notes make great reusable and recyclable placemats and coasters. or nice kindling.